Thursday, December 29, 2011

Chase It.........

If you want happiness than you must carve it yourself....Life is a bitch and will not just give you happiness...if you want happiness than you must carve out the happiness for yourself....if you want to have happy friends than you must find those that are happy and make them a part of your life and leave those unhappy ones behind...if you want to be happy in a career than you must figure out what makes you happy and then chase it with everything you've got until it happens....if you want to have a happy love life than you get out there and you find that one that is going to help you to be happy in all areas of your happiness is possible for everyone but only if you get of your ass and carve happiness out of life for yourself because it wont just do it for you.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Today we are celebrating the birthday of the greatest man that I have ever met.... a man that is selfless, that is constantly putting those that he loves before himself.....that would stop at nothing to take care of those he loves....the man that I am both lucky and proud to be able to call my Dad....if at any point I could become half the man that he is well I think that would be an amazing thing....I love you Dad....Happy Birthday!!


I spent the last 2 years of my life in a downward spiral of depression because of an incident that had happened....that is a long time to be going through depression and my thoughts were starting to get the best of me and I was beginning to become overwhelmed by the darkness of the depression....well 4 months ago it seems that God decided that I hate been in that state of mind for long enough and he decided to send me an angel to wipe the tears from my eyes....and even now just 4 months later as I am starting to go through all of the same things that happened to me 2 years ago....I am not afraid to face them now because I know that my angel is by my side and for this I am so great full that I cant even come up with the words to describe it....thank you Lord for sending me my angel to comfort me and to keep the darkness of depression from being able to overwhelm me..........I LOVE YOU!!!