Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Trying to figure out if true justice does indeed exist....but I am not sure that it does because true justice is different in each person's eye....what one person may believe is justice may not even be close to being justice in another's eye.....a year and a half ago one of my mentors from when I was young was murdered in cold blood by a person that was in a position that was also suppose to be my mentor, in a position were he was suppose to receive respect...yet this man deserved none of that.....he took the life of one of the best men I have ever took a year and a half for this man to finally plead guilty to this murder and receiving life in prison with possibility of parole in 25 years.....where as I should be ecstatic hearing this news my mind cant seem to think of the question of is it actually true justice.....does this sentence fit the crime that was I said before....figuring out if it is indeed true justice is not actually possible because it depends on who you ask....if you ask me....I say it is not enough....if someone kills another in cold blood and they were not defending someone else while doing so than I believe that that person should receive the death penalty....some believe that is too harsh of a punishment.....some believe that even life in prison is too harsh of a punishment for this crime......what do you believe??

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