Thursday, March 29, 2012

Don't Judge so Quick.....

We as a society tend to judge people when we first see them....generally without ever even saying a word to them....we judge them on many different things....if they dont look or act a certain way we tend to write them off...we need to cut this crap have no idea what someone that you just met is currently going through or all the shit they may have gone through within their entire lives...they could have gone through so much that you cant even begin to comprehend before you just write them off because they dont seem to have the right style or they dont seem to have the same kind of attitude as you or they just act a bit differently....dont be so quick to judge them....what makes you better than them anyway....many times people go through so much bad shit that it actually makes them better and strong they may even be better people than you....point is you have no idea about their past or even what kind of a person they are...they may be the best person you ever meet...dont be so quick to judge!

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