Friday, June 15, 2012


2 years ago a mentor of mine from when I was growing of the best men that I have ever known was murdered in cold blood by the hands of his pastor and his wife. For over 10 years before this happened my mentor's wife had been having an affair with their pastor....on top of their affair they were also skimming money from the church and putting it away and saving it with the intention of running away together. Well my mentor eventually found out the truth about the affair and the stealing from the church and when he threatened to tell the church congregation of his findings his wife found out that he knew nd got with the pastor and they devised a plan that were going to kill her husband (my mentor) and cash in his life insurance policy and they were going to run away together. Well the day finally came that their level of greediness had finally reached the top and they decided it was time to execute the plan, so one night while my mentor was working late at his office the pastor who got a key from the wife, snuck into his office and shot my mentor in the back of his head, killing him in cold blood, and then the pastor, the one who murdered my mentor then gave the eulogy at his funeral...and after that he fled to another state to try and hide. Police eventually tracked him down and he was sentenced to life in prison. Today my mentor's widow will get her sentencing but because of the deal she made to give up the pastor she can only receive a maximum of 10 years in prison.

When I first heard about all of this happening, I had an extremely difficult time trying to wrap my head around  it. These were people that I knew, that I grew up with them being the ones that were teaching me, I could not (and still don't) understand how those 2 people got to be so greedy that they would murder such a great and honest man, one that they both supposedly loved, just so they could take his money and run away to be with eachother. This event had a weird affect on my mind. I couldnt shake it, it stayed with me haunting me for almost a year, there were days when my mind was so wrapped up in it, trying to understand it and seeing images in my head of how I believed it all happened that it started effecting my work, it would keep me up at night and it eventually sent me into a dark and depressive state of mind. To this day I still cannot fathom of how this could have happened but after the sentencing of her today maybe that will help me to come to peace with it. I cant even begin to believe how hard this has been on their family. I pray for them everyday, that they will find the strength and courage to overcome this terrible tragedy.


  1. I know what you mean man it has haunted me too and the image of that comes to me everytime I drive by his office. Don't understand how people who are supposedly so Godly and teachers of the Bible can do that and still have her get away with such a small sentence it just proves that the legal and justice system is at fault and need major work

  2. yea it really makes one wonder....

  3. Remember that while her earthly imprisonment is short.....her eternal imprisonment won't be. I don't understand how someone who calls himself a man of God could even have an affair, much less kill a man. This is not how Christian people are supposed to act. It's no wonder people call Christians hypocrites. I'm really sorry for your loss.

  4. FYI, we do not believe Randy had any idea there was an affair between David and Teresa. He was not working late, it was at 3:30 in the afternon. Teresa had provided David access to Randys gun(he was shot with his own gun that was never recovered) Randy could see David in the 2 way mirror coming into the office. My uncle was a former Marine, had he felt the need to be on the defense he would have been. There was no signs of stuggle and David was in and out in 5 minutes, he just cowardly came in and shot him at close range (another sign Randy trusted the man) There was never any evidence of money skimming from the church but Randy did say he was leaving over 'unethical practices'. You knew Randy and you knew his temper, had he known I think this would have been a much different story. I am relieved at 8 years. While the maximum sentence for this crime is 15 years, even the Sentencing Assessment Report recommended "community structured probation". I still think we won. Just glad its over.

  5. Thank you for letting me know some details that I was unaware of...Yes 8 years is better than none but I do not believe it is fitting to the crime... I pray for you all every day, sorry that it happened.
