Friday, November 2, 2012


I suffer from ADD, throughout most of my life this has not bothered me, I have just accepted it and went on being the way I am....Now that I am a husband and father I can't stop thinking that I am failing as a provider for my family....because of this I am not able to sit behind a desk or on a computer all day, therefore extremely limiting my ability to get a higher paying job, so that I could provide better for my family...I recently  just started thinking that maybe I could take some meds to defer my ADD, but then I realized that you need a doctor's order for those meds and I have no insurance and can;t afford to see a doctor....I don;t know what to do but I am certainly tired of feeling like I am failing my family.


  1. i also have ADD and sometimes i feel the same way.feel like im failing as a wife to my family,cuz my memory is terrible when it comes to my short term memoryy loss.i am finally under a physciatrist care and im taking a medicine called vyvanse and so far it has helped memory has been so bad i havent been able to work but as of nov14th i have a job interview and im a but scared cuz i dont wanna let my family down if i cant do the job,anyways i kind of know how u feel and u will b in my prayers
