Sunday, July 6, 2014

Still living in Fear....

My son (second child) was born 9 days ago... Before my daughter was born in 2012 I posted about my fears of becoming a Father, well all of those fears are still inside me, not a single one of them has gone, in fact they have been joined by many new fears....Each week I hear/read stories about a parent(s) that have ended up murdering their child(ren) in some way...This sickens me to my very core, I cant imagine how one could do such a thing, I look at my precious babies and I am just baffled at how someone could do such terrible things to such precious innocent little ones....I think and ponder on it for long amounts of time and I just cannot wrap my head around it.....but this brings new fears upon me, what if every single parent is capable of doing these things, where these parents born with something different inside of them that makes them think that it is ok to murder your child...are they really all mentally unstable, like they all seem to claim to be...were they once normal loving parents and one day something inside their brain just snapped and they committed these horrible acts, do they ever feel remorse for doing so....Am I capable of doing these horrid things, I would like to think that I never could but now it is a constant fear that lives inside of me....I pray to God that if there ever came a time that I was going to hurt one of my babies that He would strike me dead before I ever had the opportunity...I feel guilty and like a horrible parent that these thoughts have ever crossed my mind..but thanks to today's society and the horrible people in it, I have indeed had these fears placed inside of me (even tho it was against my will).... I wish I could just get rid of these fears... I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!!

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